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BDC Tracks Forms

Welcome to BDC Tracks! As you work on your chosen Tracks project, you will be asked to complete online forms to log the progress of your track. You can revisit any forms at any point throughout the term and make changes.

It's important that you write as much detail as needed, as these responses will make up your written research paper.

Below are the forms for each milestone.

Scan QR to complete on phone:

Form 1: Intent & Implementation (September 23)

This form is to set out the intent of your Track, along with how you intend to do it, along with your expected outcomes.

Scan QR to complete on phone:

Form 2: Reflection & Next Steps (October 23)

This form is to log progress since your implementation and to highlight any barriers you have faced, along with next steps.

Scan QR to complete on phone:

Form 3: Reflection & Next Steps #2 (November 23)

This form is to log progress since your previous session and to highlight any barriers you have faced, along with next steps.

Scan QR to complete on phone:

Form 4: Conclusion or Progress (December 23)

This form gives you the opportunity to conclude your Track and provide the full outcome and conclusion. If you are looking to continue into the next term with your track, this form will also allow you to do that. (1).png (2).png (3).png
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